Sunday, September 7, 2008

As time goes on, and on, and on.......

Seems like I just started back to work and already it has been three weeks! For the most part my classes are going well. I am teaching a unit on animal habitats. The children seem to enjoy what I have prepared. One exciting new thing this year is a new class I have added. The speech therapists and I have gathered some of our children who we think are trapped inside their bodies. These children are very physically involved. Motor skills are so limited. Some can barely move a portion of their bodies. Some move too much and can't control the movement. They range in age but all have one thing in common- they want to learn. They got so excited during our first class. We talked about animals that live in the Utah deserts and mountains. The only response these children can give is to answer yes/no questions. Not with their voices but with some slight movement that the therapists have taught them to mean yes or no. They all got the concepts that were taught in the class. They all answered correctly. Best of all they were so proud of themselves. It was very cool.I think that I may have the ideal job of the whole school.However, half way through the week I kind of feel like this....
PhotobucketOh well! Not everyone can be retired!!!!
There is always another class to see. Always more preparation to tweak. But I guess I wouldn't have it any other way. I still have time for my true loves-Robert, my kids and grand kids and singing! If you come to visit me you might find me either with my computer, making jewelry or basically looking like this!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

We are all connected

I am going to wax a little 'yoda-ish' right now. Since he is a wise, introspective creature. I have been thinking of us as a human race. We are all diverse. We all have our own special difficulties and challenges to work out. Some of these challenges are obvious, some are fairly hidden and come to the surface only on occation. Never the less they are there!
But, we are all connected by invisibel strands, or ties. We may act or react in a way we feel best justifies our cause or feelings, but we impact those connected to us. We have no choice in this. It is the natural law or consequence. So I guess my challenge to myself and those out there is this....
Before you act, consider the possible ramifications of your actions. Will it be in a positive or negitive manner? I am not saying spend days, years thinking of every single thing you do. But you know when you are full of righteous indignation and feel you must prove a point. A few minutes of reflection may save days of hurt feelings.
Ok I am putting away my serious side. The crazy side is right around the corner.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

No I have not moved away forever

This is Sam. Sam is my great big black cat. As you can see Sam knows how to enjoy life. He finds a cool place to put himself and just hangs out. I am trying to learn from Sam. This summer I have tried to just hang out and not sweat the small stuff.

No I have not dropped off the face of the Earth. I am just following my same old same old about journaling. Which is; I haven't been! I just feel that I have nothing of great importance to report. What can my posterity learn about me? That I can putter around the house and be a grandma like the best of them? Seriously, I have been adjusting to having Robert home with me. Suprisingly it has been a fairly easy transition. He is so very happy. That is wonderful. Since my last post I wll list my major events in my life. Don't get very excited-they are few and small.
The 4th of July was a big family day. The girls threw a retirement party for their dad. The grandkids played in the water and had a water balloon fight. My girls brought over some fireworks for the kids to watch. Mom and Jarvis came and we all had a yummy Bar B Que. We did get anxious and lite the fireworks before it got really dark. The kids were getting tired and wouldn't have made it without going crazy! I have a great family.
The second week of July Rob and I went camping for a week in Southern Utah at Duck Creek. We had an enjoyable time-riding on ATV's, hiking, rock hunting etc.
Over the 24th of July Kristy and Robert teamed and cooked a 'Mexican Fiesta' feast. It was impressive. Tamales, enchelottas, margaritas-the works. The kids all came and everyone was full and happy.
The next two days were all about the choir and the Pioneer celebration. Guest artists were the Osmond family. I totally enjoyed the whole weekend. I think Robert did also. He had more contact with the family than I. Being backstage has some good perks.
August 1 was my birthday. To some it would appear a very lame day. To me it was a peaceful, pleasant day. Kristy surprised me with a home made birthday cake. Then Jill and her kids and Sarah and her kids joined Kristy in wishing me a happy birthday and enjoying the cake and ice cream. Rob and I had a quiet day. He has given me the go ahead to order an update to photoshop. I am very excited about that!
Then yesterday my girls took me out to Aristo's for lunch. I loved the company as well as the food.
Now you can see that I haven't changed the world, but, I have had a summer that I have enjoyed. Soon it will be time to start school again and life will be crazy again. I plan to treasure these last few non stress days!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Marching to the beat of his own drum

For those who know and love Robert, you may appreciate this. Retirement is usually a very dignified if not stuffy occasion. You have your tributes (everyone is great when they retire or die). You have your awards. You have your retirement parties with all your colleagues. Well, most of you may do this-but not Robert. He wanted to do it his way.
First off he would not confirm which day would be his last. Some thought it was today, some thought it was in two weeks, some thought it was next year. What's a party planner to do! Next he said NO PARTY!!! Frustrating to the designated party planner, poem writer and general razzes. Then about a week ago, every afternoon when he clocked out he would rip off is shirt like the hulk and discard it in the trash can at the P.O. for all to witness. Buttons and fabric flying everywhere! Then he would exit in his holy undergarments for home.
Finally the last day arrived. This is a little history to appreciate the story In Salt Lake City it is dang hot to be a mail man. 100 degree weather is no fun to walk in everyday. Tucked in shirts soon become sweaty and uncomfortable. So, many of the carriers untuck their shirts to let whatever breeze there may be cool them. Now my Robert seems to attract attention. Especially around insecure authority. His supervisor told him in a very unkind tone to tuck in his shirt. He said that post office regulations only allowed a square cut shirt tail. So my guy-not to be insubordinate-took out his pocket knife and with much flair cut off the bottom of his shirt to make it a squared shirt bottom. It was something that his fellow carriers remember well.
So, yesterday he took that mangled shirt and signed his name on it with red permanent marker. When he left he hung it over the stall where he parks his mail jeep.
I think he went out 'his way'.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Life changes

So how open are you supposed to be on a blog? I know that depressing thoughts are no fun to read. You go through those types of things with out any input from others. Right? But, if your objective is to keep a journal for posterity you don't want to be a Polly Anna either. So I guess it's a very fine line.
Today is Robert's last day at work. He is officially retiring today from the Post Office. I am happy, concerned, and worried for him. He has given up so much to work everyday at this job of his. For 34+ years. He has unselfishly chosen to work at this non challenging profession to take care of us-his family. I have always been proud of his work ethics.
Both of our days are going to change as of tomorrow. I am sure that he will fill his time with projects and puttering. I hope that he can find that purpose, that importance that he needs.
As for myself, I will need to adjust to having him here with me. We have been married for 31 years, but, have not had a great deal of unstructured time together. We have very different interests and hobbies. Maybe we can find that something that we 'love' to do together. I hope so. I at least want us to respect each others differences and privacy.
On the up side, who knows? His projects have always benefited our family. I just may come home and find my house totally spruced up! He has talked about a new kitchen.
Life changes come. We usually grow from them. Here is to a new chapter in my life!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Help me run an experiment!

I need HELP in running an experiment. One of my friends is unable to load my blog. Does any one else out there have this problem? I am trying to see if it her computer browser or my faulty skills. I am placing a poll on the sidebar to see who can or can not see what I post. HELP, HELP, HELP!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Robert is going to retire

This is what I sent out to family members today. Guess that long down the road day is finally comming.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tanner is 6

Monday, June 23, 2008

On the blog again!

So I thought that summer was supposed to be a relaxing event. I am home and not working, so I will have oodles of time to do what I want to do, right? WRONG!!! I forgot that I always over plan and take on huge things at the first of the summer. This year was no different. I wanted to record some memories (photos) in digital format. I was planning on giving both my dad's this present for fathers day. Well my project turned huge! I figure that I scanned and fixed about 800 photos. I couldn't even look at my computer for several days! But I feel good about it and am glad that I finished it.

I did get to take a trip to the zoo with the kids in the middle of the project. I took my camera to record the experience. Alas, my battery died. That is the luck of Glenna. But here are some of the ones that actually survived.
The Rhino statue was fun to slide on. Wes, Khusten, and Tanner were all over it.

Allie is practicing her modeling skills on the Rhino. She is a natural.

This is cranky Mr. Peacock. Audrey was facintated by his bright colors and the sound he was making. She wanted to take a closer look. That is until he puffed himself up, shook his feathers and yelled at her. She then turned tail and made a hasty retreat.Allie is unfazed by the noise. All she wants to do is be cute!

Khursten however doesn't like the noise either. But again Allie is unfazed.

One thing I did learn about kids and the zoo was that the grown-ups in charge really don't get to see much of the animals. They are too busy counting heads to make sure no one gets lost.
The kids were great. But let's face it they were very excited kids.
A good time was had by all.

This is what you get when you give a guy a camera

So this is what happens when you give a guy a camera. I have to admidt that I took out several of the photos that he took. Rob just went crazy! But he did get some very cute pictures.
We had a Bar-B-Que at the Oaks home for Tanner's 6th birthday. Kent and Jill made kabobs and we all brought stuff to share. Both sides of the family were there and we had a very good time together.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

And it's done!

O.K. so I was presented my award at the Board meeting. I was feeling very happy. Robert came with me. My mom and Jarvis were there on the front row. My principal and vice principal came with several friends from work. I can't believe I was so nervous, but I was. I was afraid that I would fall down the stairs. But, miraculously I made it through. It was a good day. All that worry for nothing! Of course the money was always welcome. The plaque is also beautiful. I really don't know what to do with it when I get tired of it on the piano.
So...... the next day at work there was a note from my principal on my desk. She told me that the foundation that gave me the award wanted to produce a promotional video. They wanted to come video me doing one of my groups. They planned to include this footage in the video.
So this is how I felt. My first response was NOOOOO. That meant that I would have to start worrying all over again. I had already put everything away in anticipation for the summer. I thought it was all over. But -I selected my cutest kids. I tried to get kids that had different skills to show off. I had to make sure that I collected release forms and reserve a room to teach in. But, it all worked. My friends at school came and helped me (which I really appreciate). And now I can truthfully say that IT IS REALLY FINISHED!!!! The foundation was pleased, the kids performed like pros and I got a good workout from my deodorant. That is what nerves do to you. Now with one day left in the school year and just the decision on how to spend the money this is what I feel like.

A very happy me!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

An honor and surprise

This morning when I got to work there was a letter for me on my desk. I have to admit that my first thought was "What now"? After opening the letter I had to read it three times before it sunk in. I had been nominated and awarded for the Outstanding Classified Employee of the year. I think I still am having a hard time believing it. I will be receiving the award next Tuesday evening at a districit board meeting. The award also includes $1000.00. Although Rob reminds me that is before taxes. I don't care, I feel deeply honored. I told my boss that it was really something that I do something that I enjoy, plus receive recognition for it! This is definatly a journal entry.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lunch with friends

Once a year some of my high school friends and I try to have lunch together. This is quite a big thing. Three of us live in the Valley, one in Farmington, and one in Logan. We usually try to meet in Ogden. We figure that is half way. The problem arises first in finding a date that fits all schedules. That in itself is no easy task. We have all grown into incredibly busy people. The real fun comes in driving and finding the way. I will be the first to say I am not a good direction person. Unfortunately, the others are just as bad. But it ends up fun anyway. We usually end up taking an unexpected tour of the city of Ogden.
It is very interesting that someone can go a whole year without seeing someone, but when you get together with true friends the years drop away. You find yourself falling into step with your friendship once more.
So here is to old, true friends. I am grateful to have them.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I do believe that learning takes time.

For anyone who may be checking my blog this week, I appoligize. I have wanted a new look for the page. Unfortunatly I do not have knowledge of HTML. So I go about it the same way that I do everything I do. I learn by trial and error. And mostly there is error! Some days my blog dissappeared. Some days it looked funky. Quite a few times I couldn't find the way to change templates or make changes. What you see now is by no way the completed version. I will continue to try and try to learn how to do different things. Thank goodness for Google. I always tell my friends I am only Google smart.
See you around.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Oh what a day I had!

What a wonderful mothers day I had!
These cute people here were the ones that were responsible. Kristy bought me a new crock pot. I had a very small one, and a very large one. The small one was good for just Robert and me. The large one was great for big family dinners. The problem was when I just wanted to cook a roast or something like that. The big one cooked it up too fast and turned it into shoe leather. The small one was too small for the roast. I tried to put tin foil over it to kind of extend the capacity of the cooker. All this did was let the juice escape and run down the sides. Woe is me. The new one Kristy gave me is perfect. She then cooked a marvelous dinner of some chicken stuff that was made into tortilla things. Who knew she could cook so well?
The little girls made fabulous cards. The wrote the messages and spelled them themselves. Allie's card had these tricky paper envelopes built into the card. Sarah gave me her favorite saying to put on my wall. I must say it looks nice. She also treated me to a gift card from Kneaders Bakery.
Jill's gift was very creative. She made an accordion photo album. Inside of it were the kids pictures and their reasons why they like their grammy. I have to say a lot of the reasons evolved around the way I spoil them! It's paying off.
Lauri the sweet thing bought me a classy outfit. I loved it and it fit perfectly. All in all no mom could have asked for a better day. I hope they enjoyed their day half as much. I wonder though. Wes was coming down with a cold and Audrey found the permanent red magic marker. Her new dress and shoes will never be the same.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

My terriffic Saturday

Today I participated in the annual Susan B Komen Race for the Cure. I would not consider it a real race. Although I did more than a stroll. One of my work friends Shannon is battling breast cancer. This is the second time the cancer has returned and is in a stage 4. She is a remarkable person. So positive and happy. She is a single mom of 5. One of them a severely disabled child at our school. I admire her very much. Any way she organized a team for the race. She was able to put together a team of 61 people. Being involved was incredible. There were 17,000 people. Most of them dressed in pink. There were many with tributes to survivor friends and relatives. Many wore remembrances to family or friends who had passed away. I wore a sign in tribute to my Aunt Shirley. She is a survivor, and I am grateful for that fact! I wasn't sure about participating. My Saturdays are precious to me. But my friend Michelle and her daughter Nicole and I jumped on Trax and went downtown. You should have seen the variety of T shirt sayings. Some were very funny. All pertained to saving women and their body parts.
This was such a positive community experience that I would like my girls to join me in racing next year. I think they would really enjoy it. So Thanks Shannon!!!! You added a great memory in my memory bank.

Then to make my day even better Rob came up with the idea of going for a bike ride after he came home from work. We rode with Dan and Juanita to Leatherby's for ice cream and then all the way around the valley and home again. I have to admit that I had a sore bottom by the time we got home. But it was a blast! I am loving having the wind blow in my face and eyes. I got my eyes fixed this year and have never been able to experience that feeling without a great pain. Contacts and wind are not friends. Anyway I look forward to more of this fun with my husband.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

How can this be?

Eight years ago this little charmer had our whole family wrapped around his little finger. He charmed and entertained us with his intelligence and curious nature. How can it be that this little guy has grown to this young man?

He is now a cub scout and very, very proud of it. This last weekend was his baptism. He was a perfect gentleman. He listened to the talks given by his mom Jill and Grandma Linda. He again expressed his intelligence by commenting on the concepts that were taught. He did get embarrassed when I sang "I love to look for Rainbows". I sang just for him and he squirmed just a little. But, I think he was secretly happy. He was such a good example for his little brothers and cousins. To be the first to make the choice to be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church showed others the right way. The other children were interested in the font. We wondered if they would tumble in. They were leaning so far over. You know a boy is growing up when he excited about the present of a new tie.
Kaden is still a large part of my world. I love him and know that he is destined to be someone with character and strength. Love you Kade. Grammy

Handy Man

This handsome man is my sweetheart Robert. Now Robert is a rare breed of man. He is
an excelent fixer-upper. I learned early in my marriage that he can do anything. And when he does it, he does it very well. He has the ability to see how things will fit together and what you need to do to make it work. This is a very handy thing indeed. When we first married he would want to do done some specialized home project. He assured me that he was capable and had done something simular several times before. I was leary but said "Ok go ahead and do it." It wasn't until later that I would find out that the project was something that he had never before attempted. Needless to say I learned that I should just trust him. And over the years he has turned our home into a beautiful place to live. I feel blessed to have such a luxury in my life.
HOWEVER, we have found that as a working team we are more like Laurel and Hardy than the team on the TV show Home Time. I know I frustrate him so very much. I do not have the ability to see the finished project. I only follow directions. And the directions have to be very concrete and direct. Now this is a problem when the person doing the directing is making up the rules as he goes along. When you are figuring out how things will work you don't always know what is going to work best. Having a helper such as I, often ends up to be a handicap. More than I like to admit I end up more of a hinderence than help. Then the tension gets high and the voices raised a decimal or two. When I actually do get it he is so thrilled. Most of the time I end up just keeping him company. That seems to be the best help.
Sorry Rob!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tagging business

Ok, so I got "Tagged". I think this falls into the same category as chain letters! And I am not so good at those. Melissa got me. So here goes my categories.

3 Joys

  1. Spending time with my family. I love family get togethers with the grand kids and my husband Robert. I love it when he is on vacation and can truly relax and be silly and fun. From motorcycle rides with Rob, to hanging out at home, to vacations together-my family is my fav.
  2. Having a clean and sparkling house. To me one of the best things in the world is to relax in a home that smells and looks as if it has just been cleaned.
  3. Singing with the Choir. It is a natural high to sing with people that are great musicians. To be able to figure out a difficult song and remember all the elements that I need to do is a great feeling.

3 Fears

  1. I don't know if it is a fear, but I know I really have anxiety about being in social situations with a large group of people. There is no way that I would go shopping in the early morning after Thanksgiving Day!
  2. Change. Change in my daily life routine is very difficult for me. I can do it but do not like to do it. Funny thing is I thrive on challenges but hate change that happens to me.
  3. The unknown. I like to know what is going to happen and why. Being in limbo is an uncomfortable place to be. I have to speculate and figure out all scenarios that could be possible. Drives Rob crazy!

3 Goals

  1. I want to gain more knowledge about technology. Especially in the area of teaching my students with.assistive technology. I would love to figure out a way to assist the students to be able to respond and navigate through their world.
  2. I want to remember to enjoy each day as it comes. I want to grab all the joy and experiences around me. I want to better appreciate my fellow earth travelers as they are, instead of wishing they were something I want them to be.
  3. I want to keep the Spirit of Christ with me more often. I forget to rely on the Lord unless I am feeling stressed. I think it is important to keep my heart softened to the direction that the Lord may want me to go.

3 Obsessions/current collections

  1. My laptop computer is one of my favorite obsessions. I love to scrapbook, create digital projects (powerpoint), and of course online research and shopping. The laptop is cool because it moves with me!
  2. My ipod. I love to put music, video, pictures, and audio books on my ipod. I never thought I would like this toy so much. But I do.
  3. My love for making jewelry has slowed a little but hasn't gone away. I love stones, glass, silver making, and soldering. For me it is relaxing and satisfying.

3 Random facts

  1. I hate the wind when it blows really hard. I don't like the sound of it banging on the houses or the trees bending way over. I love the gentle breezes, but the hard wind is no good.
  2. I love the oceans and lakes, but I don't care for boat rides. I especially don't like to go fast in small boats. The sound of the water slapping on the bottom of the boat freaks me out. I always think that the boat will be torn apart.
  3. I love to smell the ocean. I love to sit on the sand and watch the waves roll in. It calms me. When I imagine a safe place to meditate, it is on an ocean beach. There is a breeze and the air has a slight chill. I can almost smell the sea now.

Since I am so un world bloggy I really don't have anyone I feel comfortable in tagging. So I will do the same as I do with chain letters-I won't pass it on. But at least I responded to the challenge.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Glenna's story

I have done several digital scrapbook pages about and for other people. I have decided to now start on my own history using this method of journaling. I dare say it will take me a very long time to work through my lifetime, but hey what am I going to do anyway? At least this is productive!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another come and gone

Let me tell you about this eventful, wacky week, which by the way still has one more day left.

I am now the mother of 6, yes count them, 6 newly hatched painted lady butterflies. It would have been 7 but I accidental killed one of my own offspring! I squished it!! That was a little traumatic. Over this weekend I left them in the main office because they have a window. I am hoping that they will be there on Monday. I felt so lucky that I could show the kids the hatching in progress.This has been a fun project with my students.

This week at Jordan Valley was our annual 'Spring Fling'. Now this is no secret tryst with someone you love. No, it is a lot of chaos and hard work. The 'actors' at our school, which are our students, are not your typical actors. They are enthusiastic but very unpredictable. Anything can and usually does happen. But the parents love it. They have so few times to see their children shine in public. I was in charge of the computer and projection portion of the show. I edited and located commercials to show during the transitions between the different class acts. It was a lot of pressure, because like the children, anything can and does happen. For the most part things ran smoothly and I was pleased. But I have to say I am glad it is over for the year.

I did do something out of my 'box' this weekend. My daughters Jill and Sarah went to a digital scrapbook retreat sponsored by Digital Scrapbook Memories. It was held in Park City. We traveled up there on Friday evening and stayed until Saturday evening. I have to admit that I did have a good time. Mostly it was because I was with my girls. It was nice to be away from home and demands. It was kind of scary to put myself in this position. You never know what your children think of you as a person. You know they love you as a mom, but a real separate person is different. All of us are very different. We react differently, we think differently. But I was happy to have that chance to experience this time together. Not to mention that I got to spend the whole weekend on my computer. Without being hassled by anyone! Pretty cool deal.

Now I still have one more day of this week to go. But all that entails is to go sing tomorrow morning and then teach Relief Society. See what I mean about wacky? But I will get through-SOMEHOW!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Birthdays and more birthdays

This week was a week of birthdays here at the Roundy's. It started out with Audrey's. She was the cutest two year old around. What would it be like to be loved by everyone, and love everyone in return? The smallest things delighted her. She is a gal who loves the men in her life. How could she choose between her 'Poppy' or Uncle Tent? I wish all of us could be so open and loving!
When Audrey was born I crocheted an afghan for her. You know how babies just pick a certain blanket that they claim as their comfort blanket? Well that afghan has that duty for Audrey. Unfortunately it has become dingy and worn. Sarah decieded that Audrey needed a new 'Wankey'. So I have been crocheting like crazy. Of course I did not get it done in time for the birthday. So I took the project in progress to show her the new and improved 'wankey'. She very politely checked out the bundle of yarn, gave it back to me and claimed the original. I will finish it of course, but I have my doubts about replacing it.

Next came Ryan's birthday. Now Ryan is very easy to please. But I am afraid that I have become quite boring with his presents. He always seems to want clothes. So a gift card to Ross seems to do the trick. He seems appreciative, so I guess I am at least not failing.

Saturday gave way to Kaden's 8th birthday. His mother is very clever. She planned a spy in training party. Kaden was in heaven. His favorite friends came and transformed into secret agents. I had to admire my daughter. She is so good and patient with little boys. They had a blast. My job was to be in charge of Lucy during the party. Lucy is a very inquisitive young lady. She can let out a very high pitched squeel when she is not pleased. To keep her happy during the party was easy. You just had to hold her and let her see all that was going on. If she could see-she would let you know! I was glad that I could contribute to the birthday cause.

Both my girls have become wonderful moms. I am proud of them.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's in the air

When people say it must be in the air, I am now agreeing with them! The pollen count must be out of sight! My left eye is always crying. Especially at school. I don't think I am allergic to work, but I do know something is making me miserable.
On a good note! I am almost 52 and am finally learning to live in the moment. The best moments are those with my little ones. And of course Robert. How come I didn't learn this one of the many times that I was told to "live each moment"? I guess you can teach an older dog new tricks.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Motorcycle babes

Yesterday Rob took me on a ride on his bike. We went with some friends and had a great time. It was wonderful to be outside in the fresh air after such a cold winter. I did better this time. I didn't fall getting off the bike! Maybe I will become a biker chick after all. Just don't tell my mom and dad!

Where does time go?

Another week or so has passed. It has been too long since I last posted, so I will change that! My traumatic bump on the head is finally healed. I did end up staying home from work for two days. But, now I can think and talk clearly. Well, as clearly as I have ever been able to. No miracles have happened.

I must be really evil. I found out that another person-a man-had been conked by another set of doors. He was actually knocked out. Somehow that made me feel less klutzy. Both sets of doors are being modified to prevent others from injury. I am glad I contributed to the cause!

Last week was General Conference. It was a very good conference. We attended a solemn assembly to sustain the new prophet. President Thomas S. Monson. Our music was beautiful. Mack was pleased. He has a right to be. He has been stalwart and true. I really enjoy singing with Mack. He is a marvelous teacher. He has such an ear for pitch and flow of the music. He also makes you feel that you are important to the cause. This is something that I have lacked for quite a few years. I think that the choir will be blessed with his new direction.

At work last week a kind of scary, but cool thing happened. I was teaching in one of my weekly classes. The lesson was the life of a butterfly. I had the PowerPoint with video and projector going. Children were using switches to answer questions. I also had the video camera showing the children the live caterpillar. The video camera will project images with a projector. It is easier for the children to see because the objects are magnified. We were also doing some number recognition and counting using an activity in Intellitools. There was a lot going on and everything was working correctly. You never know what will happen with technology! Any way I looked up and saw the vice principal observing with a group of visitors. I didn't pay much attention since our school gets many visitors. Later that day the vice principal told me that the visitors were administrators were professors from West Minister College who wanted to see how technology was used with the severe population. They were excited about using these tools in teaching. They took lots of notes. The vice principal was very pleased. I have to admit. So was I. Not bad for a program I dreamed up!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What are the chances!

What are the chances that I would be injured by a closing door? I was walking throught the tunnels at the conference center-when all of a sudden the automatic door closed on my head! I am not kidding. A bump rose the size of a golf ball. I looked just like this picture. One of the choir Docs told me to watch it closely and to ice it when I got home.
Today the swelling is down. I have a whopper of a headache and a pretty bruise. Lucky for me my hair covers it up. I wish I weren't so lucky to find bad stuff. Sigh.....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I feel just a little strange in starting this blog. I'm sure that I will get into it and it will grow and change over time. So come on guys, here it is.