Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Life changes

So how open are you supposed to be on a blog? I know that depressing thoughts are no fun to read. You go through those types of things with out any input from others. Right? But, if your objective is to keep a journal for posterity you don't want to be a Polly Anna either. So I guess it's a very fine line.
Today is Robert's last day at work. He is officially retiring today from the Post Office. I am happy, concerned, and worried for him. He has given up so much to work everyday at this job of his. For 34+ years. He has unselfishly chosen to work at this non challenging profession to take care of us-his family. I have always been proud of his work ethics.
Both of our days are going to change as of tomorrow. I am sure that he will fill his time with projects and puttering. I hope that he can find that purpose, that importance that he needs.
As for myself, I will need to adjust to having him here with me. We have been married for 31 years, but, have not had a great deal of unstructured time together. We have very different interests and hobbies. Maybe we can find that something that we 'love' to do together. I hope so. I at least want us to respect each others differences and privacy.
On the up side, who knows? His projects have always benefited our family. I just may come home and find my house totally spruced up! He has talked about a new kitchen.
Life changes come. We usually grow from them. Here is to a new chapter in my life!


Carolyn said...

Yeah and Congratulations, Uncle Robert!

I'm thinking you are going to have a few really great things to blog about in the upcoming days with your talented, funny, smart, witty, and interesting husband around! I've always loved Uncle Robert... and his wife and his daughters!!!

Glenna Roundy said...

Now you are a sweetheart!