O.K. so I was presented my award at the Board meeting. I was feeling very happy. Robert came with me. My mom and Jarvis were there on the front row. My principal and vice principal came with several friends from work. I can't believe I was so nervous, but I was. I was afraid that I would fall down the stairs. But, miraculously I made it through. It was a good day. All that worry for nothing! Of course the money was always welcome. The plaque is also beautiful. I really don't know what to do with it when I get tired of it on the piano.
So...... the next day at work there was a note from my principal on my desk. She told me that the foundation that gave me the award wanted to produce a promotional video. They wanted to come video me doing one of my groups. They planned to include this footage in the video.

So this is how I felt. My first response was NOOOOO. That meant that I would have to start worrying all over again. I had already put everything away in anticipation for the summer. I thought it was all over. But -I selected my cutest kids. I tried to get kids that had different skills to show off. I had to make sure that I collected release forms and reserve a room to teach in. But, it all worked. My friends at school came and helped me (which I really appreciate). And now I can truthfully say that IT IS REALLY FINISHED!!!! The foundation was pleased, the kids performed like pros and I got a good workout from my deodorant. That is what nerves do to you. Now with one day left in the school year and just the decision on how to spend the money this is what I feel like.

A very happy me!!!