Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another come and gone

Let me tell you about this eventful, wacky week, which by the way still has one more day left.

I am now the mother of 6, yes count them, 6 newly hatched painted lady butterflies. It would have been 7 but I accidental killed one of my own offspring! I squished it!! That was a little traumatic. Over this weekend I left them in the main office because they have a window. I am hoping that they will be there on Monday. I felt so lucky that I could show the kids the hatching in progress.This has been a fun project with my students.

This week at Jordan Valley was our annual 'Spring Fling'. Now this is no secret tryst with someone you love. No, it is a lot of chaos and hard work. The 'actors' at our school, which are our students, are not your typical actors. They are enthusiastic but very unpredictable. Anything can and usually does happen. But the parents love it. They have so few times to see their children shine in public. I was in charge of the computer and projection portion of the show. I edited and located commercials to show during the transitions between the different class acts. It was a lot of pressure, because like the children, anything can and does happen. For the most part things ran smoothly and I was pleased. But I have to say I am glad it is over for the year.

I did do something out of my 'box' this weekend. My daughters Jill and Sarah went to a digital scrapbook retreat sponsored by Digital Scrapbook Memories. It was held in Park City. We traveled up there on Friday evening and stayed until Saturday evening. I have to admit that I did have a good time. Mostly it was because I was with my girls. It was nice to be away from home and demands. It was kind of scary to put myself in this position. You never know what your children think of you as a person. You know they love you as a mom, but a real separate person is different. All of us are very different. We react differently, we think differently. But I was happy to have that chance to experience this time together. Not to mention that I got to spend the whole weekend on my computer. Without being hassled by anyone! Pretty cool deal.

Now I still have one more day of this week to go. But all that entails is to go sing tomorrow morning and then teach Relief Society. See what I mean about wacky? But I will get through-SOMEHOW!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Birthdays and more birthdays

This week was a week of birthdays here at the Roundy's. It started out with Audrey's. She was the cutest two year old around. What would it be like to be loved by everyone, and love everyone in return? The smallest things delighted her. She is a gal who loves the men in her life. How could she choose between her 'Poppy' or Uncle Tent? I wish all of us could be so open and loving!
When Audrey was born I crocheted an afghan for her. You know how babies just pick a certain blanket that they claim as their comfort blanket? Well that afghan has that duty for Audrey. Unfortunately it has become dingy and worn. Sarah decieded that Audrey needed a new 'Wankey'. So I have been crocheting like crazy. Of course I did not get it done in time for the birthday. So I took the project in progress to show her the new and improved 'wankey'. She very politely checked out the bundle of yarn, gave it back to me and claimed the original. I will finish it of course, but I have my doubts about replacing it.

Next came Ryan's birthday. Now Ryan is very easy to please. But I am afraid that I have become quite boring with his presents. He always seems to want clothes. So a gift card to Ross seems to do the trick. He seems appreciative, so I guess I am at least not failing.

Saturday gave way to Kaden's 8th birthday. His mother is very clever. She planned a spy in training party. Kaden was in heaven. His favorite friends came and transformed into secret agents. I had to admire my daughter. She is so good and patient with little boys. They had a blast. My job was to be in charge of Lucy during the party. Lucy is a very inquisitive young lady. She can let out a very high pitched squeel when she is not pleased. To keep her happy during the party was easy. You just had to hold her and let her see all that was going on. If she could see-she would let you know! I was glad that I could contribute to the birthday cause.

Both my girls have become wonderful moms. I am proud of them.